Long Range Plan

The Mission of the NCTCA

Our goal is to promote, encourage, and support the development and implementation of Teen Court programs across North Carolina. We are proud to serve as a central source to unite Teen Court Programs across the state.

Our Vision

The North Carolina Teen Court Association, over the next five years, will become a leading force by:

  • Becoming a national model by bringing Teen Court programs in North Carolina together to promote high-quality programming for youth
  • Gaining recognition by becoming “pioneers in success” by joining forces with other justice and law associations
  • Exhibiting a unified, collaborative approach to providing training and technical assistance
  • Promoting increasing numbers of Teen Court programs across North Carolina
  • Identifying funding resources to allow the North Carolina Teen Court Association to become financially self-supporting
  • Developing a public relations campaign to increase positive public awareness of Teen Courts
  • Gaining status as a major force in reducing the juvenile crime rate in communities served by Teen Courts


The North Carolina Teen Court Association has recognized the need for diversified funding sources to allow local programs to continue to operate.

The Association respects the State of North Carolina for its decision to provide Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention funds to be managed locally through the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council’s recommendations to local County Commissions. These funds have been invaluable for local programs. The Association understands that this funding may play a major part in funding Teen Court programs across the state, but it also recognizes the need for additional funding as more local Teen Court programs are developed across the state.

Funding is the factor that is mentioned over and over again in all Association discussions. It will be evidenced through this plan.


The North Carolina Teen Court Association will work in partnership with the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to encourage adherence to the Standards set forth by that Department for Teen Court programs across the state. Well managed, quality Teen Court programs will be a major factor in allowing The Association to move forth in striving to achieve its Mission and Vision.

Internal Capacity

Members of the North Carolina Teen Court Association understand that this may be the most challenging aspect for the Association in working toward its Vision. The Association knows, from acknowledging a high turnover rate in Teen Court programs, that its internal capacity may be challenged by changes in leadership. Active participation by members and strong communication will be major factors in their efforts to create forward movement and positive change for the organization. In recognizing that NCTCA may be limited by the local program’s ability to attend statewide meetings (time, travel, and agency resources), it may require changes in NCTCA efforts to allow active participation by all local programs.

Our Purpose

The North Carolina Teen Court Association’s purpose is to serve as the link to bring all local Teen Court programs together as a unit. The Association will endeavor to involve The Association leadership, state government leadership, and local representation to provide knowledge and resources to allow the Association to do this effectively.